Busy [Adventure]


[Adventure 298]

I used to thrive on being busy. Or perhaps I just thought I did.

We used to be out and about doing theater, art, church, volunteering, spending time with family and friends, and education things nearly every day. Than a global pandemic brought all of that to a halt.

Not going and doing and seeing and interacting in person was difficult for most of my children, but not so much for me. Over the past twenty odd years of parenting I've forced myself out of my extreme introvert shell into extrovert roles. Not having to deal with anything that required me to be anything other than my introvert self for a while was quite refreshing.

In addition, some of the things implemented because of the pandemic are just dreamy to me. My favorite so far is the ability to rent a private movie theater at a reasonable price so that we can not only safely see a movie in the theater, but we also don't have to sit in the same theater with anyone we don't know. None of my children ever want to sit next to someone they don't know. I don't like to either. 

There are other things I appreciate - grocery delivery, restaurant food delivery, curbside pickup ... but give me a private movie theater, family and friends, and a tub of popcorn and I'm good.


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