No Photos [Adventure]


[Adventure 291]

On our way to Camp Calumet, we took a slight detour to our friend Jake's house just to have lunch with him and hang out. I'm a person who takes pictures of things and events and people I love because I'm a very visual person and I love looking through an album of memories.

Jake greeted me with a big hug, which was wonderful, and I think just what both of us needed. We chatted outside for a while, them moved inside to see his creatures and his updated surroundings, Then he and Jim went to get lunch from Smokin Bowls. 

We talked more over lunch, sharing recent happenings and memories and just having a good time. Too soon it was time to leave.

More hugs and we were on our way. 

And I have zero photos of our visit. I was too wrapped up in the precious moments with this wonderful human being and in the love radiating from him. 

But I don't need pictures. His art lives on my skin, his smile is emblazoned on my soul. Just like any other of my children, I carry his unique aura with me in my memory, more vibrant than any picture could ever be.


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