Carbohydrate Conundrum [Adventure]

[Adventure 281]

Once upon a time there was a person of many genders named Eris. They were very particular about the foods they eat, having a particular liking for white carbohydrates. 

Then one day, their father made a lot of mashed potatoes - ten pounds of potatoes worth. The seven members of the household feasted on said potatoes, but there were copious leftovers then put into the fridge. 

Several days later, a big pot of rice was produced and its leftovers also stored in the fridge.

The next day, Eris exclaimed to their mother that they had been searching for the mashed potatoes for days and could not find them anywhere in the fridge, but upon looking for the rice, all they could find were mashed potatoes. They happily ate mashed potatoes. 

Later that very night, Eris' walked into the kitchen to find their father with a container of leftover rice. They were astounded at such a sight, as they had previously searched the fridge for rice to no avail. From whence had the rice come? 

It had been in the fridge all along. 

But what of the leftover mashed potatoes?

They were there also.

How had this happened? Into what vortex had these carbohydrates traveled? Perhaps we will never know.


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