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[Adventure 286]

I was up and ready to start my day by the time my husband left for work shortly after 7:30AM.  I was set up to paint lettering on a large sign and paint a container full of ornament "boards." I decided to check email before getting to work. A couple hours, many emails, and some canva'd images later, I  started lettering the sign. I stopped several times to chat with Eris and Austen. I called the pharmacy. I called a doctor's office. I got online and messaged another doctor. 

I got up to refill my water bottle and did a little packing for camp and organizing of potion and Dungeons and Dragons stuff. I remembered the potion a member of our church wants to purchase and bagged that up.

I finished the words on the signs and it was time to go to Costco with Austen. We didn't even get halfway down the street before our drive was interrupted by a call from my husband.

Back on the road, my phone rang once again just ten minutes later. I let it go to voicemail. 

We stopped by church first to drop off the potion so we didn't forget it Sunday morning and to also drop off food pantry donations. Austen ran to Dunkin while I ran the stuff into the church and chatted with our pastor for a couple minutes. I checked my voicemail, called the person back, and then we were off to Costco, where I resisted the urges to buy an Advent calendar and several squishmallows. 

My phone rang again along the way - again, I let it go to voicemail. It ended up being an automated recording that was uninteligible.

Finished with Costco shopping, Austen and I decided to stop at Target on the way home for a few necessities. While shopping, I glanced at my phone and saw I had a voicemail - no missed call, just a voicemail. It was from the my rheumatologist's office and I called back once back in my van. I got transferred to a couple different people before being told someone would call me back. 

Back home, I started making my lunch, but then realized my kids had brought the groceries in but not put everything away. I packed what I needed to for our trip to Camp and put away the rest. I then realized I needed to start on dinner, so spent the next forty minutes doing just that. And moving bags and boxes of stuff we're bringing to MadPride all to once place. And packing a few more things. 

Somewhere in there I remembered I needed to do laundry and went to put a load in, only to find that one of my children had just put their laundry in the washer. 

Dinner in the oven, I was thoroughly exhausted. And I still hadn't eaten anything since 7AM. I collapsed into bed in a full blown panic attack due to the extreme amount of pain I was in. And then the phone rang. Gulping in air, trying for a few seconds to compose myself, I eeked out a semi-normal sounding hello. I faked my way through a conversation with my rheumatologist's office and was told they'd call me back.  Minutes later, I received some information I needed and laid back down, praying for no further interruptions. 

My husband brought me dinner, and I managed a few bites. Then I passed out for a while. Jim woke me up, suggesting perhaps sleeping so early wasn't the best plan. I sat up, opened my computer, and checked emails and such. Then I finally used the cups of water, brushes and other things my husband had brought me before leaving for work and got to painting, over twelve hours later. I painted around three hundred tiny "board" for sign ornaments. The final interruption took place when I was contentedly painting and my husband insisted it was time for bed.

Or perhaps the final interruptions were those of my sleep.


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