The [moment] we realized...

[moment 82]

Upon putting away our groceries, including the "mistake/blessing" groceries the other day, we realized we had a problem. I had fully stocked our fridge with necessities and then we also received the extra groceries. Those extra groceries included so much half and half and a selection of creamers in addition to what we already had. 

Eight creamers and nearly two gallons of half and half now inhabit our fridge along with two and a half gallons of milk. They take up more than one shelf - room we did not have until I thoroughly cleaned out the fridge, transferring some items from larger containers to smaller containers, and informing children that some of their partially consumed items were not going back in the fridge. 

We're going to have to drink a lot of coffee if we want to put any leftovers in the fridge. So much coffee.


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