[a moment] at a sleepover

[moment 69]

Onyx wasn't feeling well one evening, so the two of us decided to have a sleepover. My husband's back was bothering him, so he requested that he stay in our bed as to not make his situation worse. Onyx's bed is too small for the both of us, so we decided to "borrow" their sister's room, since she was at her fiance's house. 

At one point after we settled into bed and were chatting as we watched Chicago Med, I went to get a drink of water from my water bottle on the table next to the bed and was met by a glowing gaze. Then I did what one does when met with the unexpected - I took a picture. 

Upon showing the photo to Onyx, they let out an "Oh!" and was immediately distracted by something that happened on Chicago Med. 

I have no idea what those eyeballs are attached to. I forgot to check. The only thing I know is that if there are no glowy googly eyes in her room the next time I venture down there, I may be a bit concerned.


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