Dunya [Adventures]

[Adventure 318]

The day we picked up the evacuee family, a New Start team member brought Halal food from a local restaurant called Dunya to the family's apartment for lunch. Onyx and I absolutely loved it, as did everyone else.

The second day, the husband had to stay home and wait for someone to take him to a medical appointment while the rest of us went grocery stopping. We had told the family we'd order Dunya again for lunch and as we were about to leave, the husband said he wanted to come with us. We explained he had a medical appointment, and he insisted he needed to go with us so he could have Dunya. He didn't want to miss the Dunya. We assured him we were getting take-out and bringing it to the apartment again, so he wouldn't miss anything.

The third day, we didn't spend the morning with the family. Another group had work to do with them, while my cohort and I met at Barnes & Noble to use their wifi and apply for DSS benefits and healthcare. Onyx and Austen came with me this time, and, work finished and having time before our afternoon appointment with the family, I asked them where they wanted to go for lunch. 



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