[Adventure] in Giving Thanks


[Adventure 329]

We gather for food and family time even though I don't subscribe to the origin of this "holiday." Any excuse these days to gather with family is good enough for me.

This Thanksgiving feels different. 

For the second Thanksgiving in a row, we're not in PA visiting my husband's family. In fact, it's been two years since we've seen them due to covid-19. I'm sad. I miss seeing them and spending time with them. 

In addition, in less than a week I have testing for a possible cerebrospinal fluid leak. My hope is that no leak is detected and no surgery needed. But because there's a possibility they will find an urgent need for surgery or treatment, I feel like I need to get everything ready just in case.

Today I give thanks for family; for life; for walking and breathing and hugging and loving. For time spent catching up and talking about what really matters and hoping for the future. 


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