Arrival Day [Adventure]

[Adventure 317]

We were to pick them up on Monday at 9:30AM at JFK Airport.

Then plans changed to Tuesday at 9 in New Haven.

One minute from our New Haven destination, plans changed once again to 11AM, same place. We were told to pass time at the market down the street only to arrive there and find it closed on Tuesdays. We waited in their lobby until we were told the lobby was only for the businesses in the building and were asked to leave.

We headed back to IRIS and met members of another resettlement group, as well as people from NBC who were there filming for a documentary. 

Shortly after 11AM we found out the bus had gone to the wrong location and it would be a while longer. 

Finally, they arrived - a busload of Afghan evacuees ready to continue on to their new homes.

We loaded two adults, two children, and all their worldly possessions into my van and were off to their new home. There was much excited chatter between our interpreter, acculturation volunteer, and the family. 

Arriving at their new home, the mom and children quickly made their way into the apartment while dad and my thirteen year old unloaded my van. I went to park, the family went to explore their new home.

We spent the afternoon acclimating them to their new surroundings and learning more about them; asking and answering questions; learning of their experiences in the home they were forced to leave.

We learned of a healthcare issue and got our medical team on it right away.

We figured out they were in need of a functional cell phone, so our tech person obtained and delivered one within hours. 

Discovering a cause for excitement and celebration, we got excited and celebrated. 

We also learned heartrending, soul-crushing things. Reasons no names or photos or personal information will be shared. 

And now I am home. Exhausted physically and emotionally. I can't even imagine how the family feels after all they've gone through. I pray at least two of those feelings are feelings of being loved and feelings of safety. 


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