[Adventures] in Losing Community

[Adventure 333]

One thing this covid-19 pandemic has done is cause massive amounts of loss ... loss of lives, of jobs, of so many things, including community. Staying connected when you can't meet in person is difficult, especially in a society in which communication skills seem to be sorely lacking and getting together face to face is preferred.

There are communities I used to be incredibly active in when I could be involved in person that I've had to take a step back from due to health issues and concerns related to covid safety. I've attempted to stay as active as possible, participating where and when I can, but I no longer feel like those communities are invested in including people who cannot physically participate. And that's sad for me and for other immunocompromised, disabled, etc. people. 

Don't get me wrong- there are communities I'm involved in that are amazing at keeping connected and helping each other feel supported even when we're unable to give one hundred percent - or even ten percent. One such community has my back and makes accommodations when we need to gather in person and as I step away for a few days of medical testing. They not only make sure there are others to cover my responsibilities within the community, but send messages of support and prayers and offers of assistance should I need it. 

It breaks my heart that my communications with these communities that at one time changed my life and the lives of my children in so many amazing ways go largely unanswered. And that I'm following through with things I said I'd do for them without any support. One isn't supposed to feel alone and invisible when part of a community. 

I'm not sure where I'll go from here and what my relationship with these communities will hold in the future. It is my hope that they learn to overcome their most likely unintentional "involvement equals physical presence" leanings and be more inclusive to those who need to participate in different ways. 


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