The [Adventure] Continues


[Adventure 173]

So we planned a surprise for Austen's birthday, but, as everything in my life, it didn't quite go as planned.

The day before, I called my parents to make sure everything was set. But there was a hiccup in the plan - they had added the surprise to the calendar and then we came to visit and they worried Austen would see it on their calendar, so they put masking tape over it. Then my mom scheduled a hair appointment for 11:45AM that day because there was nothing on the calendar! 

Having already told Austen we would be leaving for Costco at 11:15AM, I had to change the plans somehow. As life would have it, I had a migraine and needed to take migraine meds that morning. Then I had to let the meds kick in. I had a couple errands to run ... and Onyx and I took our time doing them ... and then we were off to Costco and the rest were off to pick up the food.

I needed to stop at the bank, and Mal and Austen needed coffee, so we took care of those things first. Pulling into the parking space at Costco, my phone rang. It was Onyx explaining that Gramma and Papa had locked themselves out of the house (the pre-planned ruse!) and we needed to go let them in. I explained that we'd just arrived at Costco and would run in and grab the shrimp before heading to Gramma and Papas. Austen asked if there was anything else we needed to grab as we were there, and I said (honestly) that I'd promised Eris pepperoni and we needed lemonade. We legitimately couldn't find the pepperoni and finally left without it. Waiting in line to check out, I sent the teens to the van and called my father, who said they were five minutes from home. After loading the van, I called Onyx, saying that we were heading to Gramma and Papa's and "checking to see" if we could head home afterwards of if they needed more time. Luckily Onyx realized that I was asking if it was going to be enough time for them to get to Gramma and Papa's, and confirmed that it should be fine. 

We arrived at the grandparents' house and the others followed shortly thereafter with the food. We had a wonderful lunch, and then it was time for the gift, which had been hiding under Papa's desk for weeks. Austen was delighted at their gift. After some conversation and cleaning up, it was time to go. 

We dined on Chinese food leftovers and shrimp cocktail for dinner as we delved further into our evil Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

Settling into bed thoroughly exhausted, I was glad for a day well spent and for adventures gone mostly to plan. 


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