[Adventure] Regardless

[Adventure 164]

Regardless is not a word to be used lightly in a sentence that begins with "I love you..." 

Saying "Despite everything you've just told me (who you are / whom you love /how you identify), I love you." is not love. It's not even kind. 

"Regardless of you being gay/trans/whatever I love you" is not love. It infers that being that thing is wrong, but you love the person anyway.

It should be...

I love you. Period. 

I love you for you.

I love you for you and now I have new information about you so it gives me even more to love about you.

I love that you know who you are. I love that you know who you're attracted to (or not). I respect the pronouns you need me to use. 

Whom you love has nothing to do with my love for you and could never change my love for you. What gender you are has nothing to do with my love for you and will never alter my love for you. What you say when you're angry, the mistakes you make, the good things you do - none of that impacts the love I have for you. 

The only regardless should be - I love you regardless of what my friends or family or any belief system has to say; I respect your name and pronouns and will educate myself about your gender/sexuality regardless of how difficult I find it.  And I realize you are the same person you've always been and will have the future you are supposed to have regardless of any preconceived notions I held about who you are and what your future might hold. 


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