[Adventure] Named ...

[Adventure 174]

Of our five children, four have changed their names. I've talked about it before. The thing is, these names change. And then have friends whose names have changed over the past year. And they have friends whose names have stayed the same. Pronouns have also changed. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up. But I do my best.

The other day we went to the lake with our friends. It used to be that when my kids were playing with these particular children, things would be a bit confusing, as one of the children's names is very close to Eris's birth name. Because of this, every time someone said this child's name that day, and in discussions since then, my brain does a quick "that's-not-right, wait, yes, yes it's ok, that is that other child's name" somersault. 

In addition, my youngest child, who was trying on the name Skye, decide to now try on Onyx to see how that name fits. This, after we've sent in camp paperwork seventy-bajillion times. I told him to email Adam to ask him to change Skye to Onyx in the system. Onyx doesn't want to do this because he feels awkward. He doesn't like my explanation that in order to be a good mother, I need to give him opportunities to do things outside of his comfort zone and encourage his independence in these matters. Do you think he might suspect that I don't want to have this conversation...again...either. Not it!


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