Translation [Adventure]


[Adventure 161]

My fifteen year old bought a t-shirt created by one of their favorite youtubers. It has unown (pokemon) symbols in its design. Curious about what the symbols meant, Eris translated the symbols into letters and soon discovered not English, but Latin. They got to work translating, but got stuck a few places.

I then used my limited knowledge of Latin and google translate to lend a hand.

We discovered that there may be a space missing in one part and because we don't know how Latin grammar works, we're unsure what some of what we've translated means.

Some of what we've translated:

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." Sounds familiar.

This is what homeschool looks like today. My child took it upon herself to figure out what the t-shirt says, discovered on their own that it was Latin, used google translate to do her best to translate it and asked for help when needed. 


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