How We Began our Calumet [Adventures]


[Adventure 177]

I first heard about Camp Calumet years ago from my parents, who would encourage me to send my children every year, year after year.

Then, one February morning, I woke up and decided I needed to register my three oldest children for Resident Camp at Camp Calumet. Usually this would be something I asked my children if they were interested in doing, but the thought didn't even cross my mind. I felt they needed to go. I had no idea how I was going to come up with the money, but had faith that it would all work out somehow. 

I also reserved a campsite for us for the weekend we were dropping them off - Saturday through Monday, July 4 and for the following weekend, when we would be picking them up. And I signed my two youngest up for day camp near home in CT. 

By the time our children were safely dropped off at Resident Camp, my husband and I were in love with Calumet and the people there. As we turned out of the Conference Center parking lot the next day after checking out, we turned to each other and expressed our sadness to be leaving and our need to stay for the week the following year. We were overjoyed when, on Thursday, we got an email from Camp inviting us to the Drama Camp performance our three children were performing in on Friday evening. A call to my husband convinced him to request Friday off from work and a call to my parents, who were vacationing at Calumet for the week, procured us a room in the Conference Center for Friday night. 

After picking up our youngest two from day camp on Friday, we immediately drove to Calumet. We picked up dinner, scarfed it down in our room, and dashed to Luther Hall for the play. Our children were surprised and excited to see us there, and we were delighted and impressed with the performance. 

Another weekend of camping resulted in campsite reservations for a week the following summer. We've been spending a week or two at Calumet every summer since, including during the pandemic, when Resident Camp was closed, but our favorite cabin on the lake welcomed us for a unique Calumet experience.


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