Car Talk [Adventure]

[Adventure 152]

My children and I talk about the strangest things when we're in the car together. 

The other day I was with my youngest and we began discussing what happens to one's body when they're assigned female at birth and go on testosterone. And all the things that person has to take into consideration before going on testosterone - from fertility to body hair to a deeper voice...and other things. 

Another one of my children and I discussed pregnant transgender men, sex, and strange discussions I've had to have as a parent because of my children, such as the one where I had a discussion with my daughter about not getting her boyfriend pregnant unless they were ready for such a thing. 

In my vehicle I've answered questions from a three year old about prostitutes (thanks, Les Mis!); had a conversation with a child about the importance of at least keeping one's underwear on in their carseat during their strip naked as soon as Mama starts driving phase; and discussed both titty skittles (estrogen) and yeeting the teets (top surgery) with different children. 

I've had many a driveway conversation with my children, and even my children's significant others, wherein we pull into the driveway, everyone but said child and I leave the vehicle, and then the two of us chat for a while. In the chaos that is my household, it's really the only place to have a private conversation. 

I will treasure these car talks always - these precious few one-on-one moments of connection and love.


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