[Adventures] in Not Doing Nothing

 [Adventure 54]

There are days when I just don't want to do anything. I just want to stay in my pajamas in bed and not deal with the world. But I'm a mom of five and I am a person who enjoys doing things for other people and frankly I'm really bad at not doing anything. Resting is definitely not my strong suit. 

Just the other day it was snowy out and plans were cancelled and it was the perfect opportunity to take the day off. I had a couple books I was looking forward to reading. But first I decided to record myself doing a reading for worship while my children were still sleeping so that I'd have it to edit the next day. 

When I went to pick up my book, I noticed a check that was sitting on top of it that needed to be deposited, so I made a mobile deposit. Then I remembered I needed to defrost something for dinner, so I went to the basement to get ground beef out of the chest freezer. While I was down there, I put a load of laundry in the washing machine. I came upstairs and decided to change my dinner plans because I was in the mood for tacos. The only thing was, I didn't have all the ingredients for tacos, so I placed an order for delivery from Aldi. 

Since I was on my computer anyway, I  checked my email and realized I had files for a new project I was working on. I downloaded the files and responded to the emails and then decided to maybe make an image or two. An hour or so later when I was notified that my grocery order was being shopped for, I went back downstairs to put a table outside our garage door where the order could be placed upon delivery. While I was down there, I put the clothes from the washer to the dryer (except for the ones that were hang to dry) and put another load in the washer. Upstairs once again, I put the wet clothes on the drying rack, and noticed there were dishes in the sink. I washed those and had just settled back into bed when I was notified that my order was being delivered. Back in the kitchen, I put away groceries as my children carried them into the house, cleaning out the fridge as I went.

Groceries away, I had containers from the fridge to empty and wash. It's amazing that someone would leave four pieces of pasta in a container and put it back in the fridge just to avoid having to wash it! I put lunch in the oven and returned to my computer to create just a few more images for the project while waiting for the timer to beep, indicating that lunch was ready. 

After eating, finishing up the images sounded like a good idea. So did a caffeinated beverage. The beverage made and consumed and the images created, I decided to get a head start on the video ... which quickly turned into editing the entire video. At some point my husband called to let me know he was on his way home from work. Twenty minutes after his arrival home, I was done uploading the video and emailing the first draft to the person who requested it so she could let me know what changes need to be made. By that point I needed to get started on dinner.

Somehow tacos turned into tacos and fresh guacamole. By the time I was done making dinner, it felt amazing to melt into bed with a plate of food and watch couple of episodes of NCIS with Coren. 

It was 9PM before I remembered that I was going to do nothing more than rest and read a book or two. 


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