[Adventures] in Being Stuck

 [Adventure 55]

So many people are stuck - stuck in old ways of thinking; stuck believing what one group of people say instead of doing their own research and thinking for themselves; stuck in refusal to expand their view, even when the work is being done for them.

If you are going to post something on social media that is racist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, ageist, etc, please at least have the ability to defend your opinion with something more than "boys are boys and girls are girls" or "the bible says so" or "other lives matter too." Have science, theology, or educated thought enough to back up what you're saying enough to not be transphobic, racist, etc. 

Realize that gender is not just body parts, chromosomes, genes, hormones, or cells. That it's complicated. And that, essentially, it boils down to how a person identifies. You can believe that genitalia equals gender, but that doesn't explain people with ambiguous genitals. You can believe that chromosomes equal gender, but what about XO or XXY individuals. You can believe that genes equal gender, but what about when the SRY attaches to the X chromosome or there is a SRY on one of two X chromosomes? You can believe it's hormones, but some cisgender women produce more testosterone than some cisgender men.

Realize that the bible says a lot of things and none of them tell us to hate our neighbor or that homosexuality is wrong or that anyone is lesser than anyone else. In fact, we are to LOVE each other, feed the hungry, house the homeless, welcome the refugee, protect the vulnerable, act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. 

We all know - or should know - that every human being is valuable. And that black lives matter. However, saying all lives matter as a response to black lives matter is, in fact, racist. Until there is justice and equality and equity for people of color in this country, the lives that we need to focus on uplifting are those of our siblings of color. 

As a friend pointed out on her social media page - you have a choice. If you choose to post something racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, ageist, etc. and someone calls you out on it you can also choose to remove the post if you don't consider yourself these things. You can choose to listen to those who are trying to let you know why what you posted is hurtful and harmful. Or you can choose to leave it up, letting the world know that you defend your racist, transphobic, etc. beliefs. But then you'll be stuck, not only in outdated ways of thinking, but with that label.

Someone I love recently admitted that his biggest fear used to be having a gay child. If this man can change his mind to the point where he loves and accepts LGBTQIA+ people unconditionally, then I believe anyone can open their minds to learn about those against which they're bigoted. 


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