Beautiful [Adventure] Things


[Adventure 45]

At least a couple times a month we meet our church organist/choir director extraordinaire at church to record hymns for worship. We also go in on our own to record hymns on ukulele or with pre-recorded music backing us. Sometimes we record some wacky stuff for a church pageant, drama, or public service announcement video. 

Recently I spent hours recording a song on two different ukuleles and editing the tracks together to back a song we were going to use during worship. I processed the song and something went awry and the timing was off and the speed kept changing. When I went back to try again, one of the tracks was gone. Gone from the program and from my computer. Being at church when I discovered this, I didn't have the time or energy or instruments with me to record it again. 

We found music that someone had put together and offered on the internet to back people's vocal covers of the song and tweaked it a bit to suit our needs. Then, as soon as we began to record, all sorts of strange noises started coming from the church's vents, as they sometimes do, and we had to abandon recording in the sanctuary. Set up in a different location, we finally got down to recording. 

And then the giggles hit. The google assistant on Alia's phone apparently tried to help us find beautiful things (the title of the song we were singing) and Alia completely lost it - but not as much as she lost it earlier when she and her sibling sang baby Lon instead of Babylon when recording a hymn. 

Eventually we got the song recorded. Now I just pray it doesn't self-destruct while processing. 


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