[Seek]ing Books

Having posted on social media that I am seeking the donation of books for a book (and soup!) sale at our church, I received several offers of books and my request sparked a few conversations as well.

One friend mentioned that cleaning out their bookshelves was more of an emotional journey than they expected. Some books were easily donated, while others exuded memories of the person who had gifted the book or transported them to the place they were when they read the book. Others elicited tears, laughter, even anger, merely recalling the world within the pages. Some were easily to let go of, others impossible.

Books are like that.

I love books - the kind with paper pages to turn. Books with pages to dog ear or bookmark; the sound of the pages turning essential to the book reading experience. I love curling up in bed with a book on a cold winter's day, or by the fire at camp, or on the beach listening to the waves wash up on shore. I love perusing the shelves at a thrift store in search of the perfect read and later getting lost in its pages.


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