[Seek] Love in the Little Things

Overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion, it's often difficult for me to feel anything else. Touch is a two edged sword, bringing both comfort and pain. What I'm able to eat is limited, and dependant on my pain level and mood. All my energy going to merely surviving the day, illness often blinds me to what others are doing for me and the love others have for me. It's easier to be miserable than grateful. It's easier to recognize love in the grand gestures than the everyday. 

I am learning to seek love in the little things.

Love sounds like quiet children on a day when I have a life-stopping migraine. There's love in the heating up of a rice sock for my back or the taking away of my breakfast dishes. Love is found in a phone call to let me know they're running late or a text checking in or asking if I need anything. Love is letting me stay in my warm bed when my van is blocking my husband's car in when he needs to go to work and offering me some of their food when I'm sick in bed. Love reaches out from a smile, a kind word, an invitation to watch a movie or play a game.

How much better life will be when we learn to recognize all of the love that surrounds us!


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