[Seek] Nature

There's nothing like starting out your day - or your decade - in nature.

On New Year's Day 2020, my husband and I got up early and decided to hike somewhere close to home where we haven't hiked before. 

 Birge Pond was beautiful on this cold Winter morning.

We stopped along the trail to take in the beauty of nature, especially the intracacies of the ice crystals on the lake.

Then we encountered a bit of an issue, which was fairly easily moved back into place by my husband.

And then it got a little sketchier.

 And finally we got to the point where we could go no more. The boardwalk was fully submerged and seemed to be missing in some places. 

We headed back toward our van, and then past it to an area with a beautiful view of the lake.

Even though things didn't go as planned, and I messed up my knee fairly badly when I slipped/tripped on the way back, and we may have witnessed a drug deal or two near the parking lot, it was a great start to the decade. 

Whenever I feel I need to find my breath, to clear my mind, I seek nature. Whether it's a hike on one of my favorite trails, sunrise kayaking over Ossipee Lake, or some new adventure in nature, no matter what I'm going through emotionally or physically, I always emerge renewed, if not refreshed.


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