[Seek] Enjoyment in the Unenjoyable

My husband used to have to drive forty-five minutes to an  hour to work every day and he hated it. I, however, saw it in a different light - all that time alone in a vehicle to listen to whatever you wanted to or to just sit in silence instead of listening to the Frozen soundtrack for the millionth time! His perspective was that he had to battle traffic on the way to somewhere he didn't want to go. Mine was that he had glorious alone time while going somewhere to earn money. 

I now drive forty-five minutes to an hour to homeschool co-op, theater rehearsals, and other events several times a week with at least four of my children with me. Although I don't always get to listen to what I want to, and even though the traffic does begin to get to me at times, and after a long day I just want to be home, I can always find something to enjoy about the journey. Whether it's a nice conversation with my children, singing along to our favorite tunes, keeping an eye out for hawks and swans, or a quiet ride under a beautiful sky, there's always something to enjoy. 

And dishes - don't get me started on dishes! I love doing dishes! I didn't always. But now? 

I love my children and their company, but sometimes having five homeschooled children excitedly discussing various topics in which I have zero interest all day long can get a little grating on the nerves, especially when I just want to watch an episode or two of House in peace. But when I do dishes, my children magically disappear, lest I ask someone to help me. I get to watch things on my phone while soaking my hands in pleasant smelling hot water; or just enjoy the quiet and have a conversation with God ... and I feel like I've accomplished something when I'm done. 

Similar things happen when I'm folding laundry, reorganizing shelves, and doing all sorts of domestic tasks. They may not be things I particularly want to be doing, but changing my perspective and finding something enjoyable about the task makes all the difference. 

We wouldn't have so many clothes to fold if we didn't have the benefit of thrift stores near our house, giving friends who provide us with hand-me-downs, and if we weren't blessed with five children. We need to do dishes because we have food enough for three meals a day plus snacks - something not to be taken for granted. We have messes to clean up because we're a creative bunch - painting, carving, sculpting, experimenting, cooking, baking, building.

There are few things in life that can't be transformed into something enjoyable if you just find the right perspective.


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