Easter [moments]

[moment 110]

I did most of the prep work for Easter the day before - making meat sauce, assembling lasagnas, making lemon bars, and so much more. On Easter morning, we packed up pasta, garlic, olive oil, alfredo sauce, hard boiled eggs, and all the food I'd made the day before and headed to my parents' house. 

The teens and young adults decided to stay at Gramma and Papa's house while we went to church with my parents. At worship, we were greeted by everyone wearing masks, open windows, and socially distanced pews (every other pew was closed off). Not only did none of this detract from worship - which was filled with singing and a wonderful sermon and the Body of Christ exclaiming He is Risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! - but it helped me feel safe and cared for and welcome in this place. 

Back at Gramma and Papa's house, there was a flurry of activity as Easter eggs were colored and food was prepared. Soon, we sat around the table, eating good food and catching up with each other.

After the meal, exhaustion and pain hit me hard. I hobbled my way to the living room and a love seat and sat down. I chatted with the kids for a while, and then laid down "for a couple minutes." I woke a while later, still in pain, but feeling a bit more alive. 

I treasure these holidays, all of us together at Gramma and Papa's house. Who knows how many more of these we'll get to have. 

I may have missed some of the festivities due to my body's insistence on resting, but that rest allowed for the enjoyment of the rest of the day, which also included a private movie theater rental. 


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