[a moment] to roll for Easter


[moment 107]

We have a private theater rental on Easter evening, so I needed to find out which children wanted to go and invite significant others and friends. I needed to know if I needed to drop anyone off at home or if everyone would be joining us. It was intended to be an Easter surprise, but in thinking it through, I thought it would make Easter morning too hectic. 

So we did Easter part 1 a week and a day early. We hid plastic eggs (as to not get in trouble with our youngest because tradition) with clues in them (tradition). The teens and young adults took much longer to find the eggs than we expected, but eventually they found all of them and deciphered the clues.  

Eris found the golden egg, in which there was a "ticket" for a shopping spree*

*some rules apply, see mother for details.

Eris was instructed to get a d6 and rolled to assign the shopping, as they did not want to do it themself. Onyx won that roll. 

Next they rolled for where the shopping would take place - Big Lots won that roll.

Then for their budget: $15 per person. 

Then the number of words the other people would have to describe what it is they wanted from the store: 4.

Sometime this week we'll do the shopping (I'll get to shop of Onyx's stuff) and everyone will get their $15 worth of stuff Easter morning.


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