[a moment] for my kids

[moment 58]

When you ban books that mention gay or black or transgender or all the other words that seem to be too scary to some people these days, you hurt my kids. And yours. 

When you make laws to make the standard of medical care for a select group of people a crime - to not only deny treatment to transgender youth, but make it a form of abuse punishable by law - you hurt my kids. And yours. 

When you intimate that love is wrong or bad or unlawful ... that being who you are is wrong or bad or unlawful ... that acknowledging our past is wrong or bad or unlawful ... you are hurting my kids. And yours. 

In banning these books and passing these laws and denying life affirming treatments and surgeries, you are killing my children. And yours. 

You claim you are pro life. So BE pro ALL life. 

You claim all lives matter. So BELIEVE that ALL lives matter. 

This includes disabled lives, the lives of people of color, transgender lives, veterans' lives, lgbtqia+ lives, racist lives, homophobes' lives, the lives of fallen soldiers,  and the lives of those murdered just because of the color of their skin. This includes my kids. And yours. 

And they all deserve to have their stories told and hear stories of people like them. They all should have the right to be who they are, to get medical treatment they need, to love whom they love, and to live their lives free of fear and judgement and hate - my children, and yours. 


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