[a moment] of hope for their future


[moment 40]

My cell phone rang while I was perusing Dungeons and Dragons merchandise. I informed my children that I was going outside to take the call and made my way to a sunny spot nearby. It was a member of our refugee resettlement ministry calling to update me on conversations she had with "our family" and their contacts in Texas. 

The conversation was full of hopeful details of places to live, receive assistance, and form community, as well as friends and family to welcome them and help them along the way. 

As I stood in the cold, my heart was warmed by the thought that finally "our family" would be going where they felt they need to be, with the people they choose to be with, working toward the life they envision for themselves. I realized this would be difficult for some in our resettlement group to understand, but it's their life and their decision and they are doing what they need to do.

One of the things about refugee resettlement is that you need to go into it with both hope for the family's future and trust in their ability to ultimately make decisions that are best for their family. I will miss them, but wish them well on the next part of their journey. 


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