a what have I done [moment]

[moment 57]

When I ordered the groceries, I may not have been thinking ahead to more than the logistics of two of my children dog/house sitting for nineteen days and the current situation we were in. I did not take into consideration what the weather might be at the time of my scheduled delivery. All I thought about was that:

1. We have zero working vehicles thanks to a tree.

2. We have zero rental cars thanks to a shortage.

3. I have close to zero immune system thanks to medication.

4. My kids need food for nineteen days. 

OK, so maybe they only need food for the weekend because I have to pick Onyx up for mainstage theater rehearsal on Monday and could deliver more food then, but I wasn't thinking about that and needed to get all the food now because panic and anxiety and OCD.

Upon realizing that I'd scheduled a delivery in the middle of a snow/ice/crunchy stuff falling from the sky storm, I questioned both my sanity and what I had done to the poor driver who had to deliver said groceries in this mess. 

So my husband and I were up by 6:30AM. He shoveled the driveway (and the end of the street, as our street had yet to have been plowed). I watched. And got the updates on the location of the delivery. And ran back upstairs to retrieve an addition to the tip. And tried not to feel too badly about the entire situation.


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