Roaring [Adventure]


[Adventure 3 / Hike 1]

We took our first hike of the year on my husband's birthday - partially my birthday gift to him and partially me getting myself to be more active despite the health issues I'm experiencing. 

We made our way to Roaring Brook Nature Center and began on a trail we've taken before, sure that it would be something I could handle.

At one point, there was a family heading toward us across a dam - the way we were planning to go, so we took a short trail off to the side while they made their way across.

I was not at all disappointed with our decision. We got to see the view from the bottom of the dam and then follow the brook deeper into the woods.

This afforded us views of a nice little waterfall and some mossy stone walls. 

At one point on our way back to our original trail, going uphill, my body decided to go into panic mode. I felt as if I wasn't getting enough air. My heart started racing. So I stopped, concentrated on slowing my breathing, assured myself that I was ok, and continued on. My body continued to throw a fit for a little while, but I was able to hike on through it. 

It was wonderful to see the brook truly roaring - the last time we were there, it was more of a trickle. And it was wonderful to be back out in the woods, quelling the fear roaring in my mind until it was only a trickle. 


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