Outing [Adventure]

[Adventure 24]

In these times of Covid-19 and quarantine ... and because I'm on immunosuppressant medications ... going on an outing takes preparation and planning. It's as if I'm going on some adventure that requires the proper supplies, a mapped-out plan of attack, and back-up plans just in case. And snacks.

I need to bring with me all the things: a mask, a back-up mask, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, a bottle of water, my keys, my wallet, and emergency meds. Am I forgetting anything? I hope not. 

Oh, wait, a snack, just in case I get hungry. 

And then I need to plan logistics, especially if there are multiple stops. How can I do this most efficiently? What time do I go to avoid large amounts of people? What do I prioritize, just in case my body doesn't cooperate?

Finally, there's the caffeine quandary. In order to have the pep I need to get through whatever outing is taking place, caffeine is necessary. However, poorly timed caffeine consumption can lead to needing to use a public facility that I would rather not enter in this time of pandemic. Not ingesting jitter juice prior to my adventures may cause my energy to fizzle before I'm ready to be done with the day's activity. Gone are the days of having a cup of coffee while waiting for the teens to be ready to emerge from their cocoons long enough to accompany me somewhere they requested we go. Instead, I opt to drag my body around until caffeination is inevitably required and then proceed to order the largest caffeinatedest espresso beverage available. And then pray I can make it home before I need to use the facilities.


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