[Nevertheless] Things Aren't As They Appear [Advent 20]

All five of my children, two cousins, my sister, and I ventured to Mystic Aquarium in below freezing temperatures. While we were there, a dark figure loomed in the background wherever we went.

At one point I commented to him how reaper-like he appeared. He shrugged it off.

When I showed him photos to prove it, he found it amusing.

This is my 21 year old  high functioning autistic child. He wears hoodies and sunglasses most of the time. That day, he was so cold he also had a lower-face fleece mask on. He looked a bit creepy, but this is how he copes with sensory input...and stays warm.

When I use the term high-functioning autism, I'm refering to how others perceive him, not how deeply autism affects his life. He appears to be "normal" much of the time, but has to work so much harder internally to be out and about, especially for hours, especially in 17 degree (F) weather with a wind chill of 2. 

Just because someone appears to be "normal" doesn't mean they aren't struggling. Whether it's autism, depression, anxiety, OCD, chronic pain, chronic illness, or myraid other issues, someone can be in agony on the inside while doing their best to maintain their outward composure. 

Be gentle with each other. Be kind. Not everyone is as they appear. 


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