[Nevertheless] It's Still Christmas

As Christmas Day dawned, I was in the kitchen making lemon bars. It was the Christmas dessert requested by the children, and I'd been too tired the night before. Children began trickling out of their rooms beginning at around 6AM, and by 8AM the youngest two were eager to wake their siblings. After breakfast, we settled in to open gifts. 

The family gift of Exploding Kittens and other games, along with some not-so-healthy snacks was a hit, as were the bits and bobs in their stockings. The envelopes from my husband and I left them confused. They contained gift certificates such as this:

The other gift certificates contained different background pictures and similar words.

They then unwrapped their gift from their great-grandmother, who had given us money to get gifts for the children or a family gift. It was a VR phone headset that I picked up at the thrift store for $5 after our original plan went to pieces when we found out the item we wanted was sold out everywhere. 

My children were excited for the headset and took it out of the box immediately, trying to figure out how it worked. They soon discovered the paper in the bottom of the box:

Needless to say, they are a bit more excited about the gift that is to come, even if they have to wait a little over a month for its arrival. We will gift them a few games to get them started. 

The afternoon was spent at my parents house, eating delicious lasagna, exchanging gifts, and eating too much dessert. 

Heading home on the early side, we settled in for a few games of Exploding Kittens and Boggle before my body had enough and I curled up in bed to watch A Muppet Christmas Carol. 

Christmas Day is over, nevertheless, it's still Christmas.

On this second day of Christmas, after running some necessary errands, I settled my still exhausted body in bed with my heating pad, watched Christmas movies, and got some volunteer work done online. I put a ham in the oven, packed for our trip to PA this weekend, and now am off to play a few more rounds of Exploding Kittens with my children. 


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