[Nevertheless] The Transition is Imperceptible [Advent 12]

After a morning at the doctor, a new prescription for antibiotics, a stress dose of steroids, and a delicious lunch, four of my children and I were off on an adventure. Zephyr needed a new mattress for the bed base we got months ago, so off to Ikea we went. A couple hours later, we emerged with a mattress, a few things we planned to buy, and a couple we didn't. And frozen yogurt sundaes. 

Since we were only a few miles away, we also went to the Peabody Museum of Natural History, which will be closing many exhibits as of the first day of 2020 for a three-year long remodel. 

We marveled at the dinosaurs, 

had fun with stick bugs, 

and were in awe at the diverse beauty of God's creation.

But one conversation I had with one of my children will stick with me.

We were admiring this diorama ... and all the others. Expertly taxidermied animals in recreated natural surroundings with true to life painted backgrounds have always been, for us, the highlight of the museum. Each time we see them, we are awestruck. It's nearly impossible to see where the natural surroundings end and the painting begins. The entire thing is done so well that the transition is nearly imperceptible. 

Driving home, I thought about my day - how it began too early, after another nearly sleepless night, and in great amounts of pain; how it consisted of consulting with a nurse, then seeing a doctor, explaining twice all of my medical issues, medications, and why it's more complicated that just getting a tooth pulled, as I need iv corticosteroids and sedation due to adrenal insufficiency and the fact that novocaine does nothing to take away pain for me; and then coming home and dealing with other stressors, still in pain. I thought about how I then made a tasty lunch in my Instant Pot while playing cards with my children, and then headed with four of them for adventures at Ikea and the Peabody Museum. 

Trying to recall the point at which my day went from struggle to joy proved impossible. 

God weaves love and joy into our days so intricately that most times we find ourselves in the midst of them without the ability to recall when they arrived. Even when we're going through tough times, God paints them into the background, ready to brighten our world when we're ready to open ourselves to them. 


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