[a moment] to try

[moment 270]

Years ago, I was afraid to try creative things. I was told in middle school that I was bad at art by the art teacher herself. "I can't" preceded words like "draw" and "paint" whenever I encountered opportunities to make art. 

And then I had children who were fearless in their creative process. Children who would jump into art projects with glee, not at all fearful of making mistakes. This inspired me to try as well. And to not care about the results, instead enjoying the process. 
I found that once I took a moment to try drawing or painting or whatevering, I enjoyed it. If what I was trying didn't work, I could try again or move on to something else. My kids taught me that there's creating an accurate duplicate of a thing, and then there's creating you own interpretation of things. That art is what you make of it, and there's no right or wrong way to do it. 

As often as I can, I take a moment to let creativity flow and see what becomes of it.


  1. Hey it is all pretty cool. I give you an A !! Oh and I have a doctorate of education. So you are in.


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