[a moment] of chaos before the chaos

[moment 248]

Tomorrow is the day. 

We've done so much to prepare, but tomorrow the journey begins. 

As usual, my day will be pure chaos. In the morning I'll pack bags for the two children, containing a blanket and a squishmallow; and a snack bag for the entire family. I'll put bottled water in the fridge and make sure we have an ice pack in the freezer. I'll make sure everything I need is ready to go. 

And then I'll head to the cancer center for an infusion of psoriatic arthritis medication. Hopefully they will be relatively quick this time, as I'll have places to be.

If all goes to plan, I'll get home from my infusion in time to pick up Onyx and the bags and snacks and water and we'll get on our way. We'll meet up with our partner in crime refugee resettlement for a dinner of shawarma over rice before heading to the apartment to wait for word that our family is heading to IRIS in New Haven. Then we'll extrapolate when we need to leave to get there a bit before them. 

Their plane from Qatar isn't scheduled to land until 5:15PM, then they have to go through the process refugees go through when they enter the United States. Then they'll begin their first US leg toward their new home. 

The children, ages four and six, will either be exhausted or wired or one of each. I'm sure the parents will be utterly drained and yearning for a good meal and sleep. We will welcome them, load their belongings into my van, and make the trip back to their new home, where a meal, prepared by a fellow Afghan refugee who resettled here a few years ago, will be waiting for them. We will show them around their new home, reassure them that they are safe and cared for, and let them know they have a team of people who will help them get the best possible New Start. 


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