at that very [moment]: camp day one

[moment 179]

Upon our arrival, one of my children asked if it looked familiar. I said that, considering it had been over thirty years since I was last there - not yet.

As we wended our way from field to field to barn to chicken house, moments from the past weaved their way into the new memories I was at that at that very moment creating with my children. I remembered entering through the barn and into an enclosure of friendly animals, including peacocks. I remember a picnic table being open to the other fields and being visited by geese and goats as we attempted to have lunch. And sitting on a hill giving a baby goat a bottle. And a cow in a field that would lounge in the sun and invite children to sit and rest with her and give her a hug. And watching chicks hatch and being handed  a fluffy days old chick that felt so soft and light - and not wanting to let it go. 

Considering the amount of time my own children spent cuddling chicks - and not wanting to put them down - and not wanting to leave - and talking about wanting to go back and hold those feathery bundles of joy, I think they made memories there they'll hold on to for the rest of their lives. 


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