[a moment] to rest: camp day three

[moment 181]

I awoke, completely exhausted and freezing cold. I could tell the day was going to be a challenge. Luckily, we didn't have much planned for the day - lunch at Cheese Louise and a stop at the New Hampshire Country Store and creating Dungeons and Dragons characters.

Cheese Louise did not disappoint. 

I was a bit disappointed at the New Hampshire Country Store that I did not have five thousand dollars, a larger vehicle, and perhaps even a larger house, as I found a really interesting antique storage unit of some sort that had a million drawers and rotated to access them all. Mal, on the other hand, scored a lovely new friend.

We returned to Camp, and I was completely drained. I curled up in bed for a while and everyone else did their own thing, which I think was mostly resting and going to the beach. 

Then I made artichokes for dinner and we spent the rest of the evening creating Dungeons and Dragons characters for a mini campaign. 

It's wonderful to have children who are old enough to go to the beach or otherwise entertain themselves when I need a moment or two of rest while on vacation. 


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