a river of [moments]: camp day two


[moment 180]

It doesn't feel like day two. It feels more like day four or five. 

After our drive from home to The Friendly Farm in Dublin, NH to Camp Calumet in Freedom, NH, we spent the rest of the day putting up tents and setting up our "camp kitchen" and eating good food from Yankee Smokehouse.

Up early, I enjoyed a camp coffee and leftover chicken salad for breakfast. After a couple hours of unloading and putting away more stuff from the van, hanging flags and clotheslines, and further setting up the camp kitchen, the teen and young adults finally joined the land of the awake. By this time, a big breakfast wasn't going to work, so we scheduled lunch pickup at Wicked Fresh and headed to North Conway. After lunch, we went to purchase a few things we'd forgotten to pack and then headed to Saco River Tubing for a leisurely float. Aside from some kayakers and a few people on a beach, we had the river to ourselves. 

There were moments of bickering amongst the siblings, but for the most part is was a nice relaxing float wherein no one's head came close to being impaled on a branch or whacked with a paddle or doused with the splash made by someone belly flopping onto their tube. Definitely not. 


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