another [moment] in a doctor's office

[moment 153]

Pulling into a parking space at our primary care provider's office, I asked my nearly twenty year old (adult) child if they would like me to stay in the van or accompany them to their appointment. They requested my presence. 

Again, in the doctor's office, they were asked by a resident if they would like Mom to wait in the waiting room and they declined. And I again reminded them that they were free to kick me out of the room at any time. 

I feel honored that my child still trusts me with what some consider sensitive topics - and that doctors are always impressed when my teens and young adults wish me to stay. I also love the part of the appointment when there doctor asks me to leave, as I think one on one time with the doctor to discuss things is also important. 

In my family, we talk about all body parts, about birth control, about body autonomy, about sex, mental health, and all sorts of things in hopes that this helps them both communicate concerns with us and with their doctors - and to advocate for themselves. 


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