a sleepless [moment]

[moment 178]

I should be sleeping, yet my mind is racing trying to figure out what I've forgotten to pack for Camp. I have packed so many things that it doesn't seem possible that I've forgotten much, but I'm sure I have. And that's what keeps my OCD mind from calming down to get much-needed sleep for the drive.

I'm greatly looking forward to my two and a half weeks at Camp Calumet, but at the same time, have anxiety about so many things. I'll be on my own with a few of my teen/adult children for the first week and a half. My health isn't great. We had so many issues with rain and tarps and tents and airbeds and bathrooms last year that my first week was more stressful than anything, and I'm worried something similar will happen again this year. The what ifs of health issues and energy levels and making sure everyone is able to do all the things they want to do. 

Eventually my mind will settle and I'll get some sleep ... and soon enough we'll be on our way.


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