[a moment] of anticipation

[moment 176]

I'm involved in a refugee resettlement ministry. We've resettled four families and are awaiting our fifth.

We're waiting ... and waiting ... and waiting... as sometimes happens in refugee resettlement. 

We have an apartment ready to go, a team ready to meet the families needs, and so we wait. And as we wait, some amazing things are happening. We have to pay rent and utilities on the apartment that was vacated by our previous family, but somehow donations trickle in here and there and help cover the cost so our bank account doesn't get depleted as quickly. We continued to meet weekly, then biweekly, and now are down to monthly, but will continue to check in with our teams and keep ourselves up to date on policies and practices associated with our particular areas. 

Every time a Telegram message comes through, I'm sure most of us get a twinge of anticipation that this might be the moment we receive the message that tells us about "our family."


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