[a moment] of Endurance

[moment 159]


You have endured so much during this production of Age of Endurance - from dealing with newly diagnosed dysautonomia to learning your lines, entrances, blocking, choreography, exits, etc. with the added challenge of ADHD. Through it all, you have kept on top of everything ... mostly. 

I especially admire how you stood up for yourself - and me in the process - to continue wearing a mask for rehearsals and for the performance.

It is such an honor witnessing you grow into such an amazing, compassionate, strong, creative human being who is firm in their beliefs and convictions despite what others think - and despite all the challenges you face every day. 

As you weave the tapestry of your life, I hope you incorporate the things you've learned and discovered over the past few months. I hope you know that some storms are worth navigating through and perhaps some are better avoided, and that all the hard work that you put into living every day of your life will always be worth more than you can imagine. 


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