[a moment] that was a gift

[moment 174]

Every four weeks I go to the hospital to get an infusion of medication that compromises my immune system so that it will stop attacking my joints and internal organs. 

Every four weeks, I'm greeted by the friendliest, kindest staff and volunteers to make sure I'm comfortable, hydrated, and have everything I need.

The last time I went, the cancer center where I get my infusions was incredibly busy and I was repeatedly apologized to for needing to wait for a recliner. Usually I'm in the main room, in a line of recliners separated by curtains, but this time I was in a recliner in a small room with a nice view, a little bit away from the busy-ness of the main room. It was just the peaceful space I needed to take an hour-long breather after the past twenty-four hours that I'd experienced. 

I had a nice chat with an amazing nurse that helped me put things in perspective. I had time to just sit and breathe and clear the clutter from my mind to help reveal all the good things I have going on in my life. It was one of those moments that is a gift from God - a reminder that amidst the storms of life, there is kindness and love and calm to be found.


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