[Seek] To Welcome

[Advent 9]

One of the amazing things that happened this year came about completely by chance - and because of the covid-19 pandemic and quarantine.

We were recording music for online worship at church when I showed our pastor a video of my friend John from Camp Calumet. In the background was a multicolored wooden sign. Pastor Rachel mentioned that she'd really like a sign like that. So I made her one and brought it to church. She liked it so much in the church, that she mentioned she'd love to keep it at church. So I made her another one. And I made my mom one for Mother's Day. They posted their signs on social media, and soon others wanted signs. And they posted their signs on social media. Then we were at Camp Calumet and someone saw one of our signs on our cabin porch. He asked if he could use it as a prize during the camp's One Day Campaign. Due to that, even more people requested signs. 

We could have spent our Summer cooped up at home, but because of the signs and the interest in them, we were able to spend a couple weeks and a long weekend at Camp Calumet, supporting them in the process. We were able to afford the fees associated with signing up for the Reach the Beach Walk fundraiser for Camp Calumet, as well as Reach the Beach 2.0 and the Run4Camp 5K. And I was able to get a new wheelchair so that I could participate in all of them. In addition, we donated a portion of the proceeds to Camp Calumet. 

Not only did the creation of these signs benefit my family, allowing us time, relaxation, and connection in such a holy place, but the signs continue to spread a message that needs to be taken to heart by everyone these days: WELCOME. Welcome all, not just select people: all colors, genders, orientations, all religions, all cultures, all abilities, all ages, all sizes, all individuals.

Welcome, LGBTQIA+ siblings and our siblings of all colors and cultures. Welcome refugees, people walking different faith paths and those who don't associate with any faith. Welcome all cultures and ways of living. Welcome to all people of all abilities. Welcome, young and old, fat and thin, short and tall, rich and poor. Welcome, people who don't hold the same opinions as me, the same beliefs as me - even those who vehemently disagree with me. Welcome ALL.

The last thing the sign tells you is that Love Lives Here. That is perhaps the most welcoming statement of all ... and a beautiful reminder for those living within the walls. It carries with it a feeling of warmth, safety, and comfort. You will be loved here; accepted here; respected here. 

This message of welcome and love helped us make this time in quarantine special, holy, filled with welcome and love. Camp Calumet welcomed us to a nearly empty camp for some amazing, restful, exciting, love-filled time together as a family. Communicating with people who ordered signs and meeting up with people (safely) to deliver their signs has provided a few unexpected adventures, made new connections, rekindled old friendships and formed new ones. 

I look forward to the day I get to have a sign of my own on my front porch. Every time I think I've managed to do so, someone contacts me about a sign and off it goes to spread its message of welcome elsewhere. But that's ok. That's love.

(If you want your own sign, we have mini signs and ornaments available now and will take custom orders for larger signs at Handcrafted by Heart.)


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