[Seek] Patience and Understanding

[Advent 4]

People who live with chronic illnesses see life through a different lens.

While reading through friends' posts on social media, I often have to take a deep breath and move on. I'm not talking about political or other potentially controversial posts. I'm talking about everyday posts - posts complaining of anything from only getting four hours of sleep to having a headache.

On days when I spent the previous night tossing and turning, unable to sleep more than twenty minutes at a time due to pain ... on days when I'm on the fifth day of a migraine and every joint in my body hurts ... on days, which for me is every day, that I can't take pain medication, I often struggle when reading complaints about such minor things.  I struggle with feeling frustrated that an annoying headache is post-worthy, when I'm often criticized when I post anything about my chronic pain. I struggle with feeling sad that that person can take pain meds, or will get restorative sleep the following night, while I will live the rest of my life in pain, lacking sleep necessary for my health.

I don't hold anything against people whose life struggles aren't nearly as severe as mine. Headaches and lack of sleep are annoying at best. But the lens through which I have to live my life - blurring my perception of pain, holding back complaints, finding the positive whenever and wherever I can - colors my reactions to other people's experiences on my bad days. 

So I seek patience with others and with myself. I understand this lens through which I see the world and adjust my attitude accordingly when I'm able. Or I allow myself to sulk momentarily and move on with my day. 

We all see life through different lenses. Perhaps if we had more patience with those we encounter each day, the world would be a kinder, more understanding place. 


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