[Seek] The Source

[Advent 17]

Every once in a while I get overwhelmed by a deep sadness that I can't quite pinpoint in the moment. 

Most of the time I just move on with my day, trying to ignore it, which probably isn't the best. 

But more and more I sit with the sadness. Let it wash over me. Feel it. See it. Find the source of it. 

I'm sad because there are people in this world who don't know that they are loved, that they are valid, that God loves them just the way they are. 

I'm sad because there are people in this world that hate people, would willingly hurt people, just because those people are being their authentic selves. 

I'm sad because life is a struggle for so many due to lack - lack of love, of a job, of money, of resources, of food, of medical care, of pain relief, of support, of equality. 

When I allow myself the time and space to exist in the sadness and to feel all the other feelings that come with it; when I put words and feelings together in prayer; God's love and grace wraps around me like a blanket of comfort and peace. When I go to the source of my feelings and bring them to the source of hope and love, healing happens. 


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