[Seek] Time Out(side, that is) and Find Peace

[Lent 17]

Being cooped up in the house can get to just about anyone.

I say just about, because I have an autistic adult living in my house who would be content with rarely leaving it. I, on the other hand, was thrift shopping three days after giving birth to my fourth child because I had to get out of the house.

Getting tired of the people in your house? Go outside. Sit on your porch or your deck with a beverage of your choice. Take a walk down the street. Watch a sunrise or sunset. Get some fresh air. You'll find peace.

Have kids who need to get some of their energy out? Take a walk. Better yet, take a hike! From an easy boardwalk hike to a technical five miles, just about anywhere you live, you can find somewhere to spend time in nature and get some exercise in the process. Besides, the more tired everyone is in the end, the more peace you'll find when you return home.

My family hikes year round. Some of our favorite hikes are ones we took in the snow and ice. Some of our most challenging in the heat and humidity of Summer.

My husband, two of our children, and I recently went on our fifth hike of the year. Our youngest and middle of five accompanied us. We find that different children elect to go with us on different hikes throughout the year. It's a good opportunity for them to get away for a while in different combinations, quality bonding time with different siblings (and us parents). And on the occasions my husband and I hike alone, it's a time of peace for us out in the woods and our children at home without parents.

Even just a few moments outside can build bridges between quarreling children, bring peace to a racing mind, or give a much needed moment of calm. 


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