[Seek] Peace with Six Feet

[Lent 25]

One of my children is really struggling with social distancing. Six feet of separation is a lot for this highly social being. Not being able to play with neighbors, get together with friends in person, causes them deep grief. That we don't know when this will come to an end makes it worse. 

In speaking with sad child, I asked what choice was going to be made in the matter.  Sad child became confused child. Hadn't I just discussed the fact that social distancing was not a choice, especially for us, especially with my suppressed immune system? I explained that the choice to be made was how we react to the situation. We could be sad, angry, depressed ... or we could figure out how we're going to weather this particular storm with positivity and grace (and maybe a smidge of sadness and anger, as that's perfectly normal). 

We came up with ways to connect. Video chatting and playing online games with friends are already a popular passtime in my household - and now my children have figured out how to watch movies together online as well. Making TikToks with friends is still a possiblity, even from afar, thanks to duets. (The previous sentence does make sense, trust me.) And the fact that there are four siblings in our household to hang out with should help.

We came up with other things to occupy our time as well. We can plan themed movie days, with homemade movie snacks having to do with the movie. We can learn new music, make new art, learn to cook new things, learn new skills. We can save up for a treadmill. Apparently one can write an original song about a cheeto pickle. We can clean and organize the entire house in preparation for home improvement projects. We can paint amazing things on the walls of the upstairs hallway. We can register for summer camp, make a bucket list of hikes we want to take, and make a list of all the places we'll go once we're able to engage with and in the outside world once again. 

And we can figure out what we can do from six feet apart. We can talk with our neighbor from our own sides of the street or our own porches. Hula hooping is best done six feet apart, assuming each person owns their own hoop. Same goes with spinning poi and jumping rope. Sidewalk chalk art can be both created and admired from afar.

Sad child is now hopeful child, making peace with six feet, but looking forward to being close to close friends. 


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