[Seek] Peace When School's Out

[Lent 13]

She texted, panicked. What was she to do? How could she handle this situation? How long would it go on? Would her family survive?

She wasn't worried about what is causing everyone anxiety these days - COVID-19. That was, as far as she was concerned, secondary to the most pressing matter: her children would be home from school for the rest of the month. More than two weeks. With her children. At home. All day. At home. Not at school, at the movies, at friends' houses, at the mall. Home.

It was day one and they'd already consumed all the food she'd fought crowds and fear to purchase just that morning. She had no idea that, left to their own devices, three children could consume five pounds of apples, several boxes of pizza rolls, all the cereal, nearly a gallon of milk, two loaves of bread and a corresponding amount of lunch meat, various other snack foods, and all the cheese in the fridge. Before dinner. Only the frozen and raw meat and all the types of vegetables remained.

They'd already complained of being bored approximately eleventy two times and no one was responsible for any of the messes made in the house. They seemed to have forgotten the existence of and the fun that dwells in the great outdoors.

What was she to do?

"Seek peace" was somehow not what she wanted to hear.

She's a list person. She wanted a list of things to do. Concrete things. Things someone who has homeschooled for twenty years would know. So I told her a bunch of things, which will be coming soon to a blog near you. My blog, actually. Stay tuned!


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