a musical [moment]

[moment 240]

I received an email containing words such as "musical production" and "free" and immediately texted my kids to see who wanted to go. I desperately needed a dose of musical theater and who doesn't want to show up for a group of theater campers who had two weeks and ten rehearsals to put on a two hour musical? 

I haven't been going to very many performances of things lately and just felt inspired to go. I wore an N95 mask. I sat in an aisle seat in the back row of the orchestra with an empty seat next to me and a wide aisle behind me. I was as safe as I could be. 

I had a delightful conversation with the lovely woman sitting in front of me whose adult child did costuming. We complimented each other on the outfits we were wearing and talked about clothing and autism and theater kids/adults and all the things.

I was both annoyed and entertained by the incessant complaining of a person sitting behind me who apparently found fault with my mask wearing ("I guess I need to go home and get my gas mask!) as well as a person's colorful outfit, the way someone walked, a small balloon attached to a teenager's backpack, the color of someone's hair, and the rudeness of someone who said excuse me to them as they walked past ... among other things. This person also had a juicy cough, which made me tend to agree with their gas mask statement. 

I was impressed with the number of people who came to the show (and a little anxious due to the number of people who came to see the show) - and with the young actors who did a fantastic job and didn't let sound issues interfere with their performance.



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